So I've decided to up this multiply page of mine. Yep, that's so me, getting into the fad long after it has reached its peak of popularity (or so it seems). Anyway, I've been meaning to get this place up and running for the longest time now, but I wasn't able to manage the task for some peculiar reason (read: ka-ta-ma-ran, not so peculiar at all).
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! The days are cold again and you always end up wondering, where the heck has the year gone? It has passed by so quickly. Parang kelan lang, maliliit pa tayong mga bata... hehehe... But seriously, this year has gone so fast. I now have an idea what to name this year (2004: Year of Discovery; 2005: Year of the Two). Of course, that'll come in another post.
This is a totally different Christmas for me, for a number of reasons. For one, secret. For two, secret ulet. Hehe... Basta I'm so happy. And that happiness didn't come from some happy event or a happy thing a happy person did. That happiness came from a choice, and the choice is to be happy. Kaya I'm so happy this Christmas, and that's what makes it different! Gulo noh?!
Anyway, let's Celebrate! Christ is finally born, finally we have a savior. Lisa Simpson just said that Christmas has become very materialistic nowadays (believe me, you gotta take it from her). Sooo true. Christmas has become a season of gifts, of money, of cold beers and bloated bellies. We all have Santa Clauses, Reindeers and Jack Frosts. Christmas Trees, Christmas Lights, Christmas Ham and whatnots. Good thing the good ol' Belen reminds us of what this day really is about: the day the Savior humbled himself and went down to Earth to save all of mankind. This is the day that cutesy little baby named Jesus was born in Bethlehem, down in a manger along with the animals. "The greatest of Kings born in the humblest of places," a line from The Nativity Story. Truly, gifts, money, hams and reindeers are okay, but let's not forget whose birthday it is today: JESUS CHRIST!
Happy Birthday Kuya Jess! You should've been two thousand and six years old today, but I know you'll still look young!